Saturday, December 13, 2008

Design Completion

At last, i've completed all the design which i hope to feature along the SMU Art Fest 2009. However, they are still not the finalized version because i'm still waiting for Khim to approve it. Anyway, i managed to recce the whole concourse and have some slight idea of which wall and pillar i'm intending to spray.

Most of the design will be featured at the 1st level Li Ka Shing Library and the Concourse that link all the SMU building together. The concept for this special placement is to cultivate the curosity in the passer-by so that they will ask 'What's next?'

Having said that, each buildings (except the Library) will also feature the one little kiddos and one arrow balloon. The intention is to welcome everyone before they embark on the rest of the more intensive design at Li Ka Shing Library.

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