Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2nd Showcase: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

The long weekend i spent with my wife was totally wonderful.

But at the same time, the start of the week has got me fuel up for more inspiration. Over the weekend, i managed to convince my wife to allow me to feature her portrait for one of the showcase.

The second showcase i'm working on will feature 3 photocopied portrait of my wife. But each will be given a different arrow to indicate the restriction; See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil. Basically, the arrow head will be placed on the eyes, ear and mouth of the portrait to simulate the restriction. While the body of the arrow will wrap the face from the back.

Will be working on the stencil cutting on this second showcase till friday because of the 4 layer of tones. But hopefully i can get it done asap before working on the other stencils.

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