Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Studio Number 13 is under the Society 6's Network!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I'm Back

Been away for sometime, but always here for Arts...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Poster for Graffiti Workshop | Draft 1

My attempt to use stenciling just to prove that i am not another monkey who know photoshop!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dead & Gone

FT module has finally come to an end. And once again, i went to look for Alex to create a new style of graphic for my hair. Indeed, he never fails to disappoint me time and time again. Anyway sorry for the bad quality. The picture was taken by Daniel, who kept thinking that it's funny to take such photo....

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mural 2009 | A Proud Collaborative

This huge wall outside Koufu in SMU Concourse has took many Artists and Painters to put up before, during and after the mid term exams. The concept of the design thought out was merely to attract attention in the SMU community, as well as getting the SMU student to involve themseleves in more Art stuff.

Together with Lilpinkdevil, Maes2ro, Daniel Yu, Jing Wen (Jing), Cai Yu (Cai Yu), Janice (J. Novelia), Kien Te (Kite) and me, we managed to finish this big wall in 3 weeks. This event was organised by Artdicted@SMU and facilitated by SMU Office of Student Life (OSL).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kanye West Sketch

Been wanting to start sketching a lot of drawings in the past. After getting bored while studying the textbook, i've decided to whip out my ikea pencil and the sketch book. At the end of the day, this is what i got. Nothing much to describe. Do leave your valuable comment for future improvement!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

NuArt Stavanger 2007

Daniel found this video clip from Youtube. So coooool!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

End of Mid Term

This is a sketch done by me to celebrate the end of Mid Term and the start of my New World!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cool Effort

This is a really cool video featuring various artistes coming together to put on a show. Below is the description given to this video:

"An overview of the build-up and install for the NuArt 2007 festival in Stavanger, Norway. Nick Walker, Eine, Blek le Rat, Arofish, C6 Dotmasters, D*Face, Dolk, Herakut, Pobel, Word to Mother, Logan Hicks, M-City, and more... -"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

SMU Art Fest 2009; Wrap Up

Finally got the time to finish the video consisting of the pictures i took. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tied Up

Imagine you are able to create something you are capable of; something that is easy and only require your talent to work a bit... But at the same time the surrounding environment do not allow you to. They tied up your time by cuffing you up. How would you feel?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pile of Junk

Do you often find yourself lost in your world? And most of the time you feel like you don't belong to the lost world but you can't get away from it? Anyway, two and a half years to go.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sketch Submission for SMU Design Love 2009

A poster sketched by me during one of the lesson last week.

I wanted to sketch something simple yet it deliver the truth about Art. This poster will be submitted to the SMU Design Love 2009 Exco for further approval. So if you see this in your email, you know who did it. Haha..

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Showcase 5: Walk-the-Arrow

The last piece to showcase before i proceed with my mini project!

Another stencil i did to depict the real world where people are constantly led by others. And of course in this sense, by an arrow instead of a Dog!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Showcase 4: Kiddo Series

The kiddo featured here are looking up for something.. or someone whom they looked upon.

Balloons of colourful arrow filled the ceiling above their heads; indicating the the colourful life ahead of them in the near future. Are they looking for their own direction? Or are they waiting for someone to give them the instruction? Like everyone who grew up, the real world is filled uncertainty that make us all look like little kids; constantly looking up to something.. or someone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Showcase 3: Cry Baby

When we were younger, we are often required to follow the instruction given by the adults. Failing to do so would often follow by either getting scolded or beaten with belt or canes. In my real world, i often see arrow as an instruction. And in this stencil outside the settlers' cafe, i hope to portray the consequence of not abiding to instruction. The broken arrow here indicate the failure to follow the instruction. Hence, little boy kneel outside the cafe crying silently; trying to reach out to everyone who walked pass him. But nobody care...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Showcase 2: Hear, See & Speak

At the back of SMU Gallery stood three portraits of my wife. They were the best of the whole showcase because it featured the person i love most. At the same time, the concept derive at this artwork is also the most meaningful to me.


In the real work, people are often bombarded by "noises" that depict their action. And the best way to go around avoiding these "noises" are to Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and Speak No Evil. Imagine having the ability to do these, everyone will lead a cheerful life. Hence, making the world a much happier environment for all human being.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Showcase 1: Watch It

In the Real World, everyone from all over the world are always looking at the media to provide instruction and direction. For example, the stock market is a clear indication of how people gauge their wealth. From rich to poor, everyone will respond to the drop or rise of the stock market.

A closer look at the work!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

SMU Art Fest Official Opening

The SMU Art Fest 2009 was officially opened yesterday with Guest-of-Honour Mr Loh, owner of Hotel 1929 & New Majestic Hotel, and Mr Howard Hunter, SMU Preseident.

Me presenting my contribution to Mr Loh & Mr Howard Hunter!

I was quite nervous and tired after setting up the installation for the past 1 weeks. In fact, i didn't managed to put up everything until 1 hour before the event opening! Anyway, i would like to thanks Daniel and Soon Foo for helping me out during this installation. Without them, i don't think i can finish everything.

I will be showcasing all the pictures of the actual art work i've contributed within this week, so stay around for more updates!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

1 Day to go!

Yesterday was a nightmare for me. But all thanks to daniel who helped me putting all the stencil up! Thanks Dan!

Anyway, a lot of focus has been put into the wall outside the SMU Gallery. Because this design comprises of 14 stencils, a lot of work has gone into putting up the stencils and waiting for the spray to dry up.

Nevertheless, the background for the kiddos are all up. So today will be focusing on the details and also putting up the "Walk-the-Arrows". Of course, there is this time for photography!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Confirmed Location

And so it's confirmed! Look out for this spaces!