Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Down The Drain

After an accumulated sketching for 12 hours, i finally came up with this 7 Deadly Sins. But to my surprise, things didn't work out because 'that' committee was looking for a more actual design. Isn't that detailed enough? Man...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Real World Verse 2

Apex Case Challenge was a real torture to me and Apex Chillax. Despite the fact that we didn't wanted to put too much expectation on the challenge, we still walked away feeling slightly disappointed.

Anyway, i finally grabbed hold of a new set of highlighters!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Real World

Finally got the time to sit down and brainstorm for the SMU Art Fest 2009. Didn't really got the time last week as mid term took up quite a lot of time. After watching the you tube about Daim's approach to graffiti, i finally got the inspiration!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

SexyBack Verse 2

Studio # 13

Mid terms are finally over! Despite the fact that i might not get the optimal result for mid term, i'm still going to celebrate the end of endless studying in school! You don't wanna know what i went through during the past 2 weeks...

Anyway, have been trying to secure my style of graffiti these few weeks. It's quite tough because ideas are everywhere and inspiration is definitely going to result in some form of plagiarism. Nevertheless, i've still going to find the missing style that i need.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Screwed up Mid term big time! I wonder how much i will probably score for my Marketing paper after finding out the answers i wrote are almost different from my friends! Argh...

Anyway i drew this simple graphic during the 2nd project presentation by ACP.